3 энгийн алхамын дагуу бүртгэл үүсгээд онлайн дэлгүүрийн санал болгож буй олон төрлийн үйлчилгээ болон функцийг ашиглаарай.
Онлайн захиалга хийх хүсэлтэй харилцагч нарт зориулагдсан
10 хувилбартай 9 зүйл олдлоо
Extremely handy 720 W angle grinder with speed regulation and a 125 mm protective hood. Ideal for light grinding and cutting work
Powerful 1100W angle grinder with constant speed control for medium cutting and grinding operations
The safe 1,350 watt angle grinder boasts impressive robustness, endurance and an anti-vibration handle
Powerful 1000-watt compact angle grinder with the smallest grip circumference in its performance class for perfect ergonomics and effortless work. Ideal for light to mid-level grinding and cutting work, such as deburring.
Reliable 1200-watt angle grinder demonstrates impressive robustness, endurance and an additional anti-vibration handle. Ideal for intensive work with high safety requirements
Powerful 1400-W universal angle grinder with speed control, anti-vibration handle and the highest power density in its class for rapid progress with work. Ideal for tough rough machining and cutting work.
Powerful 1000 W compact angle grinder with extremely small grip circumference for effortless work. Integrated speed control makes the angle grinder the ideal solution for all applications.
1,200 watt, powerful and robust angle grinder with anti-vibration handle for fast working progress and long service life. Ideal for continuous intense rough machining and cutting work
Powerful 1100 W angle grinder with constant speed control for medium cutting and grinding
Хайлтын илүү олон үр дүн байна. Илүү нарийвчилсан үр дүнг авахын тулд үзүүлэлтээ цааш нь зааж өгнө үү.
Үүнийг шалгана уу эсвэл өөр хайлтын нэр томьёо ашиглана уу.
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