3 энгийн алхамын дагуу бүртгэл үүсгээд онлайн дэлгүүрийн санал болгож буй олон төрлийн үйлчилгээ болон функцийг ашиглаарай.
Онлайн захиалга хийх хүсэлтэй харилцагч нарт зориулагдсан
189 хувилбартай 9 зүйл олдлоо
Precision steel drill bit for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,000 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The precise, high-performance drill bit for machining stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The affordable, robust assembly drill bit for applications in steel with strength up to 1,000 N/mm².
Affordable, steel morse taper drill bit for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,000 N/mm² and in cast iron for use in box column drills.
The affordable, robust assembly drill for quick working in stainless steel and heat-resistant steels, general, broad applications in steel up to 1,000 N/mm² strength and cast iron.
The drill bit for drilling stainless steel and heat-resistant steels. Also suitable for very general steel applications up to 1200 N/mm² strength and cast iron.
The manually operated high-performance drill with unique SMART STEP technology (from dia. 2.5 mm) for high-precision circular drill holes in steel up to 1000 N/mm2, aluminium, plastic, non-ferrous metals, hard and soft wood.
TiN head coated steel precision drill for general, broad applications in steel up to 850 N/mm² strength and cast iron.
Хайлтын илүү олон үр дүн байна. Илүү нарийвчилсан үр дүнг авахын тулд үзүүлэлтээ цааш нь зааж өгнө үү.
Үүнийг шалгана уу эсвэл өөр хайлтын нэр томьёо ашиглана уу.
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